Why Virtualize Your Servers?

Why Virtualize your servers? Virtualization offers businesses great benefits to any business who deploys this technology into their IT setup. eTor Networks will help you discover virtualization and why this technology is the wave of the future in computing. What is Virtualization? In the past, businesses would dedicate 1 server for one purpose only. 1 […]

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Business Phone Systems

To many businesses, their phone system is their life line. To other businesses, it’s there for when it’s needed. Either way you look at it, businesses are paying too much for their telecommunications costs. eTor Networks deploys business phone systems through-out GTA and Ontario. Offering the latest phones bundled with all the features- this phone […]

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PC Law in the cloud

PCLaw in the cloud PCLaw is an industry leading client matter, billing, and accounting software used by thousands of lawyers. Over the year’s PCLaw has provided law firms with different variations of this software package.  Some packages required a full blown server solution requiring thousands of dollars of hardware to be purchased. In addition there […]

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