Private Cloud Servers
Private cloud is a type of cloud computing that delivers similar advantages to public cloud, including scalability and self-service, but through a proprietary architecture.

Dedicated Infrastructure
A dedicated router, firewall, server, and network for only your business. No sharing resources of any kind

More Control
Configure, change, and manage one or all of your servers. You have total control over your cloud.

Cloud Bursting
Having a Private cloud gives you the ability to still access the eTor Networks resources in the event of spiked demand.

Higher Security and Privacy
Having a dedicated encrypted tunnel between your cloud and your office provides an additional layer of security.
Dedicated Infrastructure
With the eTor Networks Private Cloud, your business will have its own dedicated hardware within our datacenters. You will have dedicated servers, routers, switches, and storage that only your business will have access too. The eTor Networks Private Cloud is a fully managed service that is supported by our 24x7x365 support desk.

More Control
The eTor Networks private cloud is only accessible by a single organisation, that organisation will have the ability to configure and manage it in line with their needs to achieve a tailored network solution. However, this level of control removes some of the economies of scale generated in public clouds by having centralised management of the hardware.
Cloud Bursting
eTor Networks offers the opportunity to employ cloud bursting. Within your private cloud offering, in the event of spikes in demand we will assign resources required to meet those demands. This service allows eTor Networks to assign stand by resources to your private cloud in the event of spikes in demand.

Higher Security and Privacy
On a traditional cloud, data is transferred through the internet. Having deployed a Private Cloud, allows eTor Networks to deploy an encrypted tunnel between your office and the private cloud. This adds an additional layer of security to your setup by only accepting and transmitting data through the secured tunnel.